Manila Discussion archive for:
  • Re: Welcome Lakes Trail 554 (#)
  • May 29-30: A group of seven of us hiked up to Welcome Lake. The crossing just before the intersection of the trail up to the lake was nasty, but we made it with a line. Only a few downed trees between intersection and side trail down to lake. Snow patches not problematic until you head downhill off the main trail. We never really made it to the lake. Snow cover was at least 50%. Of the ground that showed, about 75% of it was covered with little rivers of melt water. We decided it was too wet for camping, so went back down the trail to the intersection, turned right and camped at the big campsite along Elk Lk. Ck., which was thunderous! The next day we planned to continue on the Elk Lk. Ck. trial toward Elk Lake. We didn't get even a quarter of a mile before a very wide and deep "creek" crossing, in thigh to waist high water greeted. No one wanted to cross it, so we went on back to the cars and celebrated at the Safari Lounge in Estacada.
    • Re: Welcome Lakes Trail 554 (#)
    • Can you give me any more details about where the camp spot on Elk Lk Cr. is? I've been up the trail as far as the first crossing from the bottom and down the trail from the top but haven't down the middle 2 miles.

